Friday 19 April 2013

The Fantastagirls Final

editing - new shots

The last shot that we put in was for Megan 'Giggle Girl' we found it quite difficult to actually shoot this part because it took quite a while to do so. The scene shows megan on her phone, and her 'mother' coming in and shouting at her, megan then starts 'giggling' which we have in the background noise, and then it shows the power the laugh has to the persons hearing. We were very happy with this shot too as we thought it was very funny and would be entertaining for the audience to watch.

editing - new shots

In this shot we were showing the power for 'Fire Girl' as fire could normally connote to a dangerous way, we decided to keep it simple to show the power of fire. We used candles to do this, and we felt that with the clicking of fingers and the appearing of the flame, it was an interesting way that we conveyed the power of 'fire.' This is another shot that we were very happy with.

editing - new shots

In this shot we show my power 'Air Girl' in which I am attempting to work, and then I use my 'power' to blow the papers off the table. This is another insight into the film as we are showing the powers of the girls. I was really pleased with this shot as I felt that it was really fun and unique. We cut the point where the papers blew off the table, and made it quicker to give if a better power effect.

editing - new shots

In this shot, we see a a shot of a bath with no bubbles in, then we see a shot of Holly blowing bubbles, and bubbles then appear into the bath. From doing this, we give a small look into the powers that each fantastagirl has. We done this because it was felt by others that the powers were not clear to the audience, and we felt that we needed to include their powers in the title sequence in order for it to be more fun.

editing - new shots

This is another new shot that we have put in, as the last one with the titles 'Megan Mead' had Megan in it but she was laughing and it made it seem unprofessional. Because of this, we used a simple but fun way in the entering of the titles, so it was still unique but not too complicated to do so. We are a lot happier with this as we think it looks fun and will be fun for our target audience.

Editing - new shots

This is one of the new shots that we have put into the title sequence, as the one before hand was very dark and there was no way that it could have been lightened without it looking unrealistic. We were a lot happier with this shot as it is a lot brighter, and you can actually see me in the shot this time.